This is a youthful arm of NCC Manchester, comprising of young adults both from within the church and outside, within the age range of 18-40. All young at heart and passionate for youthful excellence are also welcome. Our name, S.W.A.P – Serving With A Purpose – carries a dual meaning in that it represents: The aspect of Serving: Luke 22:26b (KJV) – “…the greatest among you…..must be like the servant”. The aspect of Swapping: 2 Corinth 5:19 (KJV) – “to wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not inputting their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation”
The S.W.A.P. Vision
Ecc. 12:1 – To “Remember our Creator in the days of our Youth”.
The S.W.A.P. Mission
To activate and empower the PRESENT, to motivate and develop the FUTURE in three aspects.
The S.W.A.P. Workplan
The workplan is strategically aimed at the following three areas:
Fellowship –> discussions and sharing from God’s word and worship.
Friendship –> relating with one another and building new lasting endships through recreational events and team building activities.Outreach –> reaching out to other youths around the city through evangelistic
The S.W.A.P. Mission
To activate and empower the PRESENT, to motivate and develop the FUTURE in three aspects.
Spiritually developing God loving and God fearing young Christians into S.W.A.P (both eanings).Emotionally/ Relationship developing excellent and emotionally intelligent communicators, preparing singles for the prospect of Godly marriage and family, and encouraging and supporting the married with maintaining a well-functioning Godly home.Financially developing and encouraging brilliance in financial achievement. Either through business ideas, academic prowess, career choices, Music, sports, politics and much more. And strategic methods of maintaining financial prosperity (e.g. the concept of saving and investment).
How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to your word.