
These are a group of schools that are aimed at making the believer become more deeply acquainted with the Word and help in equipping them for effective service.

Workers in Training
These are a series of classes that are held weekly to teach foundational truth of the christian faith. The classes are open to both those who are new converts and those who want to know more.
Some have attended these classes and become born again in the process. These classes are run by a team of dedicated teacher who help with both tutoring and assessment of the workbook (New Life in Christ). The New Life In Christ workbook was produced and recently updated by New Covenant Church, Manchester. It has a series of 30 lessons which have interactive questions to ensure complete understanding.
Baptismal Class
These are a series of classes designed to help people understand the meaning of baptism
Believer's Class
These are a series of classes that are held weekly to teach foundational truth of the Christian faith. The classes are open to both those who are new converts and those who want to know more.
Some have attended these classes and become born again in the process. These classes are run by a team of dedicated teacher who help with both tutoring and assessment of the workbook (New Life in Christ). The New Life In Christ workbook was produced and recently updated by New Covenant Church, Manchester. It has a series of 30 lessons which have interactive questions to ensure complete understanding.

This is for those who want to dig deeper. It initially started as the Bible College but this closed in 2012 due to the restructuring of New Covenant Church nationally. As there were people already studying who also wanted to continue and finish training and the recognition of the significance of Biblical and Ministry training in the life of a believer, it was decided that locally training should continue. The lecturers are seasoned ministers who are drawn from the Pastoral Team of the Church as well as visiting, sound Bible Teachers within the broader New Covenant Church. There are also lecturers drawn from the body of Christ nationally and internationally..

How to Enroll

Click here to submit all required details for pre-enrolmemt.

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.

Ephesians 2:8-9 (KJV)